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  • Welcome to A Community of Grace, a place where we gather with you in pursuit of living each day in the grace of God.

    Grace is the love of God poured out in His unmerited favor and divine power, giving us everything we need for life and godliness through the life of Christ in us.

    God desires for each of us to know Christ and live empowered by His grace. For many years we didn't understand how to do this. God has been teaching us that as we consistently spend time with Him in His Word, He reveals Himself to us. Hearing His voice speak through the pages of Scripture and meditating upon His words fills our mind with truth. As we respond to God's truth in obedient faith, His mighty power - His grace - is released in our lives.

    We invite you to take a journey with us through 90 Days of Grace. Our prayer is that each of us will gain daily insight into a new aspect of God's grace and apply it to our present circumstances. We hope you will share your journey with us by commenting on how God is working His grace into your life in new and fresh ways.

    As a subscriber to this site you will automatically receive each new devotion as it is posted. However, you can begin the 90 Days of Grace at anytime. From the Search box on the side of this page, simply input which day's devotion (Day 1...) you are seeking.

    Come journey with us! Carol Farrish and Judy Mills

Day 36


The reigning monarch of England is entitled to continuous protection in her royal residences by two contingents of soldiers. The daily changing of the Queen’s Guard is a symbolic reminder of the high worth placed upon the life of the sovereign.

The Queen depends on regiments of highly trained soldiers for physical protection. Christ-followers also must learn to trust in God’s truth to guard them from the dangers of sin. Believing God is having a firm conviction of future promises despite present circumstances or distressed emotions. Such faith believes that God is Who He says He  is and will reward those who earnestly seek Him. Belief issues forth in obedience, trusting in God to accomplish His spoken word.

How do we grow in greater faith? We intentionally spend time with God, cultivating His friendship.We listen to His words and pour out our hearts to Him. Knowing God deepens our trust in Him. His unconditional love anchors us in the testing of our faith.

David had been told by God that he would be king over Israel. For many years that promise looked like an impossible reality. He lived as a fugitive, running from a jealous king who sought to kill him. Yet David refused to succumb to unbelief while his faith was being tested. He was protected from the lies of Satan as he clung to the love and truth of God.  His heart cried out to God in Psalm 27: 13,14:

“What would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait, hope for and expect the Lord.”

God rewarded David’s faith, preserving his life until the time came to fulfill His spoken promises.

Have you been living in unbelief? Perhaps your mind needs a “changing of the guard.” It is time for Satan’s lies to be evicted. You are a royal child of the King. Your life has become His royal residence. You are entitled to be safely guarded by faith in God’s Word and the power of His Holy Spirit.

Day 35


The hours preceding a final exam are stressful for many students. This fact is particularly true for those who wait until the last minute to study. In contrast, students who work faithfully throughout the semester, completing their assignments and preparing for quizzes, usually experience less anxiety and perform better. Abraham was one of those “students.”

For many years, Abraham faithfully undertook the assignments and quizzes given to him by God. Though not a straight A student, he gained a deep level of faith in God. By the time Abraham’s “big test” came – a command from God to sacrifice His son Isaac – he was prepared. He acted without delay. Then, with Isaac upon the altar and a knife lifted in Abraham’s hand, God spoke, “Do not lay a hand on the boy…Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son” (Genesis 22:12).

Abraham exemplifies faith and actions working together. The command to sacrifice Isaac must have been incomprehensible. God had promised to build a great nation through this long-awaited son. Yet Abraham trusted God, a fact made evident by his obedience. True belief always results in obedience. That’s why Scripture says, “Faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17).

While Satan tempts us, seeking to cause us to sin, God tests us to deliver us from sin by revealing any unbelief.  Through testing Abraham, God blessed him, for “his faith was made complete by what he did…it was credited to him as righteousness” (James 2:22-23). This can be true for us as well.

The tests and trials of life, which may feel overwhelming and stressful, are opportunities for God to bring great blessings. God, in His abundant grace, will enable you to move from unbelief to faith. As you walk with God daily, allowing His Word to renew your thoughts, govern your emotions and direct your actions, your faith and trust in Him will grow. You will then receive the reward of faith, a life of ever-increasing righteousness.

Day 34


Military strongholds are fortifications designed for the defense of territories in warfare. During World War II, Hitler designated certain European cities as “fortresses.” These fortresses were intended to support Nazi domination of Europe. Hitler’s armies were commanded to defend these strategic cities at all cost. Allied forces fought crucial battles against these German strongholds, securing freedom from Hitler’s evil power.

As Christ-followers, we are engaged in constant warfare that takes place in our minds. The battle is between truth and the continual onslaught of lies that we are bombarded with. Satan’s goal is to establish strongholds of lie-based beliefs in every believer’s mind, causing faith in Christ’s truthful words to be eroded. God’s Word tells us that it is our faith in Christ’s words that secures victory over sin. If we have little faith, we will have little power over sin, causing us to live in defeat to Satan’s destructive lies.

What is the key to defending our minds against lies? We learn and obey the truthful words of Christ. Satan has no power over us unless we give it to him by believing his lies. It is critical to guard our minds with the truth of God’s Word. Jesus said that when we know the truth, we shall be set free from lies and their ruinous effects. We will walk in victory over sin.

Will you evaluate every thought, emotion, burden and concern of your life through the lens of God’s truth? As you come to Jesus and learn His words, you will be able to recognize and cast out Satan’s lies from your mind. You will experience joyful emancipation from entrenched strongholds of sin, expanding your victory land of holy conduct.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5