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Day 34


Military strongholds are fortifications designed for the defense of territories in warfare. During World War II, Hitler designated certain European cities as “fortresses.” These fortresses were intended to support Nazi domination of Europe. Hitler’s armies were commanded to defend these strategic cities at all cost. Allied forces fought crucial battles against these German strongholds, securing freedom from Hitler’s evil power.

As Christ-followers, we are engaged in constant warfare that takes place in our minds. The battle is between truth and the continual onslaught of lies that we are bombarded with. Satan’s goal is to establish strongholds of lie-based beliefs in every believer’s mind, causing faith in Christ’s truthful words to be eroded. God’s Word tells us that it is our faith in Christ’s words that secures victory over sin. If we have little faith, we will have little power over sin, causing us to live in defeat to Satan’s destructive lies.

What is the key to defending our minds against lies? We learn and obey the truthful words of Christ. Satan has no power over us unless we give it to him by believing his lies. It is critical to guard our minds with the truth of God’s Word. Jesus said that when we know the truth, we shall be set free from lies and their ruinous effects. We will walk in victory over sin.

Will you evaluate every thought, emotion, burden and concern of your life through the lens of God’s truth? As you come to Jesus and learn His words, you will be able to recognize and cast out Satan’s lies from your mind. You will experience joyful emancipation from entrenched strongholds of sin, expanding your victory land of holy conduct.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5