Monthly Archives: July 2014
Day 85
Imagine the scene that first-century day. Jesus had sent seventy-two men on a mission: to prepare the people in selectedView full post »
Day 84
Clear skies can be quickly overshadowed by the gathering of dark rain clouds. Sometimes the clouds unleash a gentle andView full post »
Day 83
Setting out from England in 1853, Hudson Taylor was the pioneer missionary to China. His fifty-one years of service, andView full post »
Day 82
“Seeing is believing” is an old saying that suggests concrete or material evidence is the only basis forView full post »
Day 81
Patterns and templates are invaluable tools when seeking to model an object to a specific design. In woodworking, a thinView full post »
Day 80
Dot-to-dot worksheets are popular tools for teaching children to connect random dots by sequential numbers or letters.View full post »
Day 79
Only in the last few decades have news and sports media reported on a twenty-four hour basis. The never-ending need forView full post »
Day 78
The ability of a jet plane to become airborne, defying the laws of gravity, is directly related to its power to produceView full post »
Day 77
From the telephone to cable television to the Internet, optic fibers revolutionized how we communicate and disseminateView full post »
Day 76
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of shattering glass and unknown footsteps. You realize thereView full post »
Day 75
“In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” These words, spoken by David Ben-Gurion, theView full post »
Day 74
Keys are a vital necessity in our culture, providing access to physical properties. Possession of a key indicates oneView full post »
Day 73
War takes a terrible toll on a country and its people. When fought on home soil, the rebuilding process takes many yearsView full post »
Day 72
The sun in its brilliance, shining stars, and majestic mountain peaks are spectacular and constant reminders of God’sView full post »
Day 71
A team of executives hosted a meeting for young women rescued from the sex trade industry. The women were part of aView full post »