A Community of Grace »

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Day 82


“Seeing is believing” is an old saying that suggests concrete or material evidence is the only basis for faith in a given object. This phrase is commonly applied in many different circumstances, scientifically and relationally. It involves the quest for substantive proof of truth. For instance, the pronouncement of “I love you” is often met with the rebuff of “prove it to me.” Tangible evidence is sought to validate proclaimed facts.

Many Christ-followers mistakenly apply this phrase to their spiritual lives. God-pleasing faith is believing and seeing the fulfillment of His spoken promises as a present reality. Instead of searching for visible signs and wonders, we are to use our eyes to search and study the Word of God. We are to see God as He truly is, experiencing for ourselves His love and integrity. We are to hold fast to what He promises to do for those who believe and obey Him despite visible evidence to the contrary. Believing God results in seeing His power in action. Moses persevered in leading the rebellious nation of Israel because he “saw Him who was invisible” (Hebrews 11:27).

Are you like the Israelites who believed God’s promises and sang His praises, but then quickly forgot what He had done for them? They, like us, often lived with the bitter consequences of disobedience. Why? Their faith was dependent on visible circumstances, despite God’s continuous and mighty workings on their behalf.

Do you put God to the test by giving in to faithless cravings and fears when you cannot see the way ahead? Come to Jesus. Confess your sin of unbelief. Acknowledge your desperate neediness for His guidance. Stop striving according to your foolish “wisdom.” Put your trust and obedience in His eternal Word and Spirit. He will intervene in the most challenging of circumstances as you cling tenaciously to His Words.Your faith will become sight, just as He promised. Believe and you will see.

 “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed…Because of your faith, it will happen.”

John 20:29; Matthew 9:28