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Day 90


“It is finished” were the last and most important words of Jesus Christ, spoken moments before His death upon the cross. What did He finish? The work that He alone as the holy and sinless Son of God could accomplish, the ultimate rescue mission: the ongoing salvation of man from the consequences and penalty of sin. Salvation from sin provides peace with God, rest and soul prosperity.

Made to live in peaceful union with the glorious God of the universe, man chose to walk in his own dark and restless ways. We were seeking fulfillment in lie-based beliefs and self-indulgent behaviors. Jesus saw our miserable condition apart from our Creator. He came to rescue us.

The enormity of what Christ accomplished is staggering. Like the liberating forces who freed prisoners of war from cruel enemies, Jesus destroyed Satan’s works and his authority over us. Satan holds no power over us as we reject his lies and replace them with God’s truth. Why would we continue to live as morally emaciated prisoners, captive to Satan’s lies, when Christ has opened our prison doors through faith in His death and resurrection?

What will you choose? Will you esteem Jesus as your most vital necessity, your Way, your Truth and your Life? The soul-peace and rest Christ offers is found only through daily seeking Him with your whole heart. Will you humble yourself, inviting the indwelling Holy Spirit to fill you and reign over your mind, emotions and will? It involves daily dying to all desires, attitudes and dreams that are self- centered and self-pleasing. Dying hurts, but it produces life.

Consider the cross. See the nail-pierced feet and hands as Jesus’ blood flowed in sacrificial love. That love defines your indescribable significance and worth as a child of God. As Jesus did in His agony on the cross, fix your eyes on the future joy that will be yours as you resist the fleeting pleasures of sin. You will find abundant life, rest from sin and wholeness. Come to Jesus, believe His Words and receive rest for your soul. Let Him finish the good work that He has begun in you!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith.”

2 Timothy 4:7