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  • Welcome to A Community of Grace, a place where we gather with you in pursuit of living each day in the grace of God.

    Grace is the love of God poured out in His unmerited favor and divine power, giving us everything we need for life and godliness through the life of Christ in us.

    God desires for each of us to know Christ and live empowered by His grace. For many years we didn't understand how to do this. God has been teaching us that as we consistently spend time with Him in His Word, He reveals Himself to us. Hearing His voice speak through the pages of Scripture and meditating upon His words fills our mind with truth. As we respond to God's truth in obedient faith, His mighty power - His grace - is released in our lives.

    We invite you to take a journey with us through 90 Days of Grace. Our prayer is that each of us will gain daily insight into a new aspect of God's grace and apply it to our present circumstances. We hope you will share your journey with us by commenting on how God is working His grace into your life in new and fresh ways.

    As a subscriber to this site you will automatically receive each new devotion as it is posted. However, you can begin the 90 Days of Grace at anytime. From the Search box on the side of this page, simply input which day's devotion (Day 1...) you are seeking.

    Come journey with us! Carol Farrish and Judy Mills

Day 45


Waiting. For many of us it’s a great challenge. We live in a fast-food, fast-paced, high-speed Internet society. We’ve come to expect immediate information and gratification. Yet the ways and will of God are often worked out in our lives through times of waiting. This can be a challenge. We set out to obey and follow God, but often give up and take matters into our own hands. We may even doubt God’s love and goodness in our waiting.

Our spiritual heritage is full of men and women who waited to receive God’s promises. Joseph spent many years in slavery and prison before rising to his God-foretold place of rulership. Abraham and Sarah waited twenty-five years before receiving the promised son. Chosen as a boy, David waited many years before becoming King of Israel. God commends them to us as an example:

“We do not want you to become lazy, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised” (Hebrews 6:12).

Our patience is evidence that we believe and trust God. Faith is “…being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).

While God could act in an instant, delays come because He has something to teach us through the waiting. He wants us to learn how to stand firm on His promises. As we come to Him, He solidifies and strengthens our faith. Like King David, we can practice the discipline of soul talk. This is using the Word of God, specifically His promises, to remind and persuade your heart and mind of God’s sovereign and loving timing. Recorded in Psalms 42 and 43, David repeated this phrase three times:

“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.”

As you wait on God, consider speaking the following promise to your soul:

“Those who wait for the Lord — who expect, look for and hope in Him — shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:31



Day 44


Prime real estate anywhere in the world is determined by location. Property and rental values within a city are generally more expensive because of their proximity to business and government centers. Thus, many prefer to sacrifice larger living spaces for the benefits of location. Wise investors always evaluate the potential of future dividends.

Living without obedient faith in God’s Word is like making an unwise investment choice. Hebrews 11:6 states: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him, must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” The word “without” means to be outside of something, like living outside the safe perimeters of a city. We subject ourselves to the dangerous consequences of sin when we choose to live independently from God. Yet many Christ-followers choose to live in unbelief, outside the boundaries of faith that God has deemed to be most valuable for life and godliness.

David lived in the prime real estate land of faith long before he dwelt in a king’s palace. As a young shepherd, he faithfully relied on the strength of God to help him defend his sheep from the jaws of lions and the claws of bears. Faith activated the power of God to help him defeat the lies and taunting threats of the fearsome giant, Goliath.

What fearsome giants are you facing? Is it time to relocate and live within the exclusive real estate boundaries of faith? Come to Jesus and learn from Him. He will graciously move you from the cheap land of lie based-beliefs. Dwelling in unbelief exacts a high price: a perpetual state of sin and fear. Be rewarded with the rich dividends of living by faith in Christ’s words. Holy conduct and peace will be yours as you cling to God’s truth.

“I sought (inquired of) the Lord, and required Him (of necessity, and on the authority of His Word), and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him, and were radiant; their faces shall never blush for shame or be confused. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.”

Psalm 34:4-6

Day 43


Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are the most popular dance duo ever to grace the big screen. Starring in ten movies together, they danced in perfect unison, moving as if one person. Yet what appeared as effortless was the product of many hours of training and practice. Dance partners must learn to work together. To flow in a synchronized or complementary manner, a lead partner must initiate the movements.

God choreographed our lives to be an expression of His beauty and grace, a dance that will thrill us and inspire those who watch it. We, however, hinder that dance because we struggle to give God the lead role. We stumble because we don’t trust Him. We question His next step. We move in an opposing direction because we dislike the “moves” He designed. We resist our dance because we envy and seek the dance God created for another.

Consider the dance God has ordained for you:

“For we are God’s handiwork, His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us, taking paths which He prepared ahead of time, that we should walk in them, living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live” (Ephesians 2:10).

Seek to know the nature of the One who longs to lead you:

“The Lord earnestly waits – expectant, looking and longing – to be gracious to you. He lifts Himself up that He may have mercy on you and show lovingkindness to you” (Isaiah 30:18a).

When we question and resist God, we hinder the beautiful dance He choreographed just for us. When we question His timing, feeling as if He isn’t taking the lead, we forfeit the blessings He longs to give:

“Blessed – happy, fortunate, to be envied are all those who earnestly wait for Him: for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy and His matchless, unbroken companionship” (Isaiah 30:18b).

Will you follow your Lead Partner? With eyes fixed on Him, will you wait with anticipation for His next step? If you will, your life will become the exquisite dance that He planned for you.