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  • Welcome to A Community of Grace, a place where we gather with you in pursuit of living each day in the grace of God.

    Grace is the love of God poured out in His unmerited favor and divine power, giving us everything we need for life and godliness through the life of Christ in us.

    God desires for each of us to know Christ and live empowered by His grace. For many years we didn't understand how to do this. God has been teaching us that as we consistently spend time with Him in His Word, He reveals Himself to us. Hearing His voice speak through the pages of Scripture and meditating upon His words fills our mind with truth. As we respond to God's truth in obedient faith, His mighty power - His grace - is released in our lives.

    We invite you to take a journey with us through 90 Days of Grace. Our prayer is that each of us will gain daily insight into a new aspect of God's grace and apply it to our present circumstances. We hope you will share your journey with us by commenting on how God is working His grace into your life in new and fresh ways.

    As a subscriber to this site you will automatically receive each new devotion as it is posted. However, you can begin the 90 Days of Grace at anytime. From the Search box on the side of this page, simply input which day's devotion (Day 1...) you are seeking.

    Come journey with us! Carol Farrish and Judy Mills

Day 28


Hot summer months usher in the season of swimming pools and beach vacations. Days of rest and relaxation often include water-based destinations, preceded with great anticipation of fun in the sun. Have not most children competed with friends to determine who could hold their breath the longest submerged under water? But fun and games can turn to tragedy quickly. More than three minutes without oxygen will result in the destruction of brain cells. Death from drowning ensues after approximately ten minutes.

Many Christ followers live as though they are holding their breath spiritually, gasping for air as waves of entrenched sin patterns seek to engulf them. When we trusted in Jesus to save us from our sins, God breathed His supernatural life into our spirit. The same Holy Spirit power that raised Christ from the dead also raised us up to live a new, godly life. God deposited within us His Holy Spirit to empower us to grow up into the likeness of Jesus. God not only calls us to holy transformation, but has provided us with the power to accomplish His divine purposes. Striving to conquer sin in our own strength, apart from the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, is like a drowning person trying to save himself.

Jesus said that His words are spirit and life. Just as physical life is maintained through the constant intake of oxygen, our spiritual vitality is dependent upon the intake of Christ’s words. As you humbly come to Jesus, the Holy Spirit will teach you and empower you to obey His words. The outcome is increasing degrees of holy transformation in thoughts, words and deeds. Instead of sinking into a sea of sin, your life will become filled with moral victory laps, like those of a disciplined Olympic swimmer.

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

John 14:26

Day 27


Though plugged in overnight, the message on the cell phone screen indicated a low battery. Initially, I assumed something was wrong with the phone. A further look revealed the true problem: the phone’s charger was not fully plugged into the electrical outlet.

The battery charger is the means by which electric current, wired to flow out of an outlet, is directed into our phone. If the connection is faulty, the electric current cannot flow. Likewise, we were designed to live connected to the Source of our power. Plugged into God, His power-filled life flows directly into us. Disconnected from Him, we receive none of it. In fact, the moment we disconnect we begin to lose any “charge” we had received.

Jesus stated this truth through another illustration:

“I am the Vine: you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

God is our only source of divine power. Through constant communion and connection, His divine nature flows through us. We can receive His thoughts, His wisdom, His love and compassion. Consider what God says to you:

I’ve given you My divine power to supply everything you need to live a godly life. You obtain it as you come to Me, develop an intimate relationship with Me and seek to stay connected to Me. I’ve given you many great promises. If you believe them, you will participate in my divine nature. You will escape the corruption caused by the evil desires you experience when you live apart from Me (paraphrased from 2 Peter 1:3-4).

Do you believe that if you remain in God you will bear much fruit? Do you believe that apart from Him you can do nothing of eternal significance? How we live bears witness to what we truly believe. Many people profess faith in Christ, but don’t seek the intimacy and connection necessary to remain in Him. If that’s the case with you, we invite you to humble yourself before God, speaking the very words said to Jesus by a man in the first century:

“Lord, I believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

Day 26


Homes, whether large or small, are an essential part of life, providing comfort and safety for their occupants. The landscape of England is dotted with large family estates, often inherited by multiple generations. The contents of these grand homes give vivid glimpses into family histories. Over time, many owners of these vast mansions have been forced to sell their properties because of exorbitant maintenance costs.

Children of God have inherited a lavish dwelling place and a permanent inheritance in the person of Jesus Christ. When we trust in Christ as our Savior, we are transferred out of the slum dwelling of self and sin and into the riches of Jesus. The cost of our new home is without money or price. The lease on this house is free throughout eternity for those who will abide in it, humbly communing with its Master.

The residents of this immeasurable estate discover its vastness as they obey the words of the Landlord.  God continues to reveal and share larger rooms, filled with the beauty of His holy character to those who seek His presence continuously, cherishing Christ’s words of love. That selfless love perfumes the air, breathed into each room by the Builder Himself.

Sometimes the way into the upper levels of this house, where the view is brighter and clearer, is through the darkness of a hidden staircase. When the way seems unsure and frightening, our footsteps climb higher, secured by the Holy Spirit’s love and power. As the storms and troubles of life bear down upon us, we are safe and strong, flourishing in the house of our God.

Others will see our deeds and joy in our Master, causing them to relinquish their temporary, self- built houses and choose to live with us, in Christ.

Where are you currently living? Come to Jesus and abide permanently in Him.

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Psalm 23:4