A Community of Grace »

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Day 40


Doors provide an entrance into many types of spaces. They also function as protective barriers, providing safety from unwanted intruders. Locks are commonly used on doors to safeguard access into households or places of business. Peepholes on a door allow an occupant to identify safe visitors. When the wrong person accesses a door, crimes of various sorts may ensue. Lives become threatened, subject to mortal danger.

As God’s children, we have been given access to Him through a narrow Door. Jesus identifies Himself as the only Door to the Father. That Door opened for us as we approached Him in faith, crouching low in humility and repentance. As we walked through the Door, its crimson color reminded us of the blood of Jesus that was shed to wash away our sins. We were welcomed and received into God’s household with unconditional love. Entering through the Door by faith made limitless grace available, all that we need for life and godliness.

How do we continue to dwell in the safety of Christ, kept from the dangers of sin? We allow God’s truth to become the doorkeeper of our mind.The Word of God acts as a peephole by which we learn to recognize the lies of Satan. Lies are like unwanted intruders, intent on robbing us of the rich rewards of faith in Christ. We learn to lock the door of our mind to lies, denying them entrance. Joyfully, we fling the door of our minds wide open to welcome the words of Christ. By clinging to, and obeying them, we find love, safety, peace, wisdom, and power to live in victory over sin.

How secure is the door of your mind? Are you leaving it carelessly unlocked by neglecting the Word of God? Ask God to help you lock out dangerous intruders, lies that rob you of joy and victory over sin. Fling wide open the door of your heart and mind to Jesus. His truth, power and peace will rush in, guarding you in all of your ways

“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.”

Isaiah 26:3