A Community of Grace »

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Day 20


Stone buildings of great architectural renown are built upon a chief cornerstone. A cornerstone is the first stone to be placed above ground level. The structural integrity of the entire building hinges upon this stone as all others are built and joined together upon it. Laying the cornerstone of an important structure is often celebrated with ceremonial fanfare.

Children of God are likened in Scripture to living stones being built into a spiritual temple with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone (1 Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:20). In Christ, the whole structure is being built to form God’s earthly dwelling place through His Spirit. We are that temple, dedicated to the sacred presence of God. As living stones, we are part of a chosen race, God’s holy and beloved children. Our purpose is to declare the wonderful deeds and display the perfections of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. In this, God is greatly glorified.

Our relationship to the cornerstone, Jesus, is critical in fulfilling our God-exalting purpose. We are joined to Him by faith and we maintain that unity by coming to Him in daily communion. His Spirit teaches us Christ’s words of love and truth which God uses as divine mortar to build up our faith firmly in Christ. As we humbly obey His words, we are fastened more securely to the chief cornerstone, impervious to the shaking of the strongest earthquakes. Instead of collapsing, times of structural shaking see us rise higher and stronger, anchored securely upon the solid rock of Christ. He will strengthen us in holiness and use us to build up other living stones within the body of Christ.

Will you come to Jesus, offering yourself as a living stone? He has redeemed you for His holy purposes with His own blood, shed to deliver you from sin. Come to Him. Ask the Master Architect to forge you deeply to Himself. As others see Christ in you and choose to build their lives upon the precious Cornerstone, there will be great rejoicing in heaven. Together, we will reveal His light and glory.

You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in The Lord.” 

Ephesians 2:20-21